Saturday, October 12, 2024

Garret Homecoming 2024

Garret went to U-High's homecoming with Kate ?? She goes to Ridgeline and is a friend of Ashlyn Barlow's that Garret asked because Ashlyn told him to. They went and did pictures at the temple (thanks Amber McArthur). Then went and had dinner at Talon McArthur's house.  They went to the dance and then went and hung out at Ashlyn Barlow's house.  

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Cancun Trip Day 10

We had a super yummy breakfast on the morning that we left.  We had Belgin waffles with fruit and whipcream.  We packed up and went to the airport and flew home. Garret picked us up at the airport.  I don't think that he missed us.  He liked being alone.  I arranged for him to have dinner with someone every night and he loved getting fed and having good company. 

Kirt, dad, and I got upgraded to 1st class on the way home

The elephant I bought from the trip


Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Cancun Trip Day 9

 Today we packed up and said goodbye to the amazing house.  We took Jessy and Josh and Cam and Rachelle to the airport to fly home.  Kirt and I and Mom and Dad are staying another day because our flights were much cheaper to fly home tomorrow.  

Kirt took a few more pictures of the cool house. We are ruined for life.  We will never stay in such an amazing AirBNB. 

Dropping Jessy and Josh and Cam and Rachelle off at the airport

We stayed at an AirBNB in Puerto Morelos.  It was a 2 bedroom cabin. 

Our Nissan Van

On the beach in Puerto Morelos

We went back to the Mexican restaurant that we ate at on Monday night because it was so good.  The owner recognized us.  

We walked around Puerto Morelos after dinner

They pulled all the fishing boats up onto the shore because of the hurricane

And of course we had to get some more ice cream for Aldo's

Kirt and I went and sat on the beach and read afterwards

Monday, October 7, 2024

Cancun Trip Day 8

We didn't do a lot today.  We were going to do out on a boat snorkeling but because of the hurricane, they canceled all of the snorkeling trips.  It was so windy and wavy that the water would not have been clear enough to see anything anyway.  We hung out at the house and swam in the pool and played games.  Ryan and Angela left today.

More of Rachelle's awesome pictures

We have been looking for Mountain Dew for dad the whole trip.  Ryan finally found some in the airport.

Jessy and Josh walking on the beach.

We ate at a really yummy hamburger place for dinner tonight

While we were eating dinner, the police came driving by telling everyone to get inside by 8pm because the hurricane had turned and was going to be closer to land than they originally had thought.  We left the restaurant and went in towards town and there were lines of people at the gas station and grocery store.  We went back to the house and shut all the storm doors on the house.  It was really windy and rainy but thankfully it didn't cause too much damage.  And the biggest blessing is that there was no damage to the airport and we were all able to leave on time.  Cam and Rachelle missed their connecting flight in Dallas and had to spend the night, but the rest of us had uneventful trips home. 

Storm doors on the house