Monday, September 30, 2024

Cancun Trip Day 1

And we are off! We are heading to Cancun for my mom and dad's 50th wedding anniversary trip.  We have been planning (and by we, I mean mostly Kirt) for 6 months to do this.  Mom and dad wanted to a trip with all of their kids and spouses for their 50th.  We thought about a cruise, but mom gets sea sick, so they decided on Cancun.  Kirt found this awesome house on the beach to rent.  Unfortunately, Michelle is too sick to come.  We wanted to cancel, but Jon and Michelle insisted that we still go.  So we are super excited to go, and sad all at the same time.  It's so weird how you can have both emotions at once.  We have the house reserved from Tuesday-Tuesday, but the tickets from Spokane were so much cheaper to go from Monday-Wednesday so we have an extra day on each end of the trip.  Mom and dad were on Kirt and I's flight.  Cam and Rachelle were on a different flight, but we all made it to Cancun about the same time.  We rented our huge 12 passenger Nissan van and went to the Airbnb that we rented for the 1st night.  We went to dinner at a yummy taco place.  It started raining right before we went to dinner and we got soaked just walking from the apartment to the car.  It's crazy how hard it rains.  We were all super tired, because we had been up since 3am so we just went to bed after diiner.  

Pretty sunset from the plane

12 passenger Nissan van.  It is a beast to drive.  Kirt is our hero! It is a manual and it has no guts and has the worst turning radius. 

Dinner at the taco place

The pool at the Airbnb condo place that we rented for the 1st night

Look at the tiny ironing board in the corner.  It was so small.  I don't know how you would ever iron anything on it (or why you would iron on vacation either).


Friday, September 27, 2024

Update on Michelle

Michelle had surgery on September 6th (after being in the hospital for several weeks) to try and fix her bowel obstruction and remove more of the cancer.  She has not been able to anything since her late surgery the end of April.  She has been having TPN (IV feeding) since then because her bowel never woke up after surgery and so it got obstructed.  When the went to open her up during the surgery, they found so much cancer in her that they couldn't really even cut into her.  The doctor said it looked like someone had poured glue into her abdomen.  She stopped the surgery and didn't even try and fix her bowel obstruction or remove any cancer.  She said that this is really the beginning of the end.  She said that we should try and get Michelle healthy enough to go home but that she would not recommend any more treatments.  So after being in the hospital over 30 days, Michelle finally got to come home on September 27th.  She is going to have home health come 3 days a week to help her.  

Nixon and his homecoming date surprised Michelle and came down to see her

She's going home!


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Phillips Creek Hike

I went hiking with Susan, Delphia, Brit, and Tiffani.  It was a beautiful day for a hike.


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Lake with the Longhursts

We had to go get the boat of the water today so we invited the Longhursts to come with us and Larry water skiied and Kirt wakeboarded one more time.


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Tanner's Head Shots

Tanner had to get pictures for his school classes.  Isn't he so handsome!


Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Garret's Senior Pictures


Friday, September 13, 2024

Senior Sunrise and Football Game

It's U-High transition for the seniors to gather at the beginning of the year to watch the sunrise to open the school year.  

Talon McArthur, Garret, Peyton Wolcott, Ashlyn Carver

Peyton Wolcott, Garret, Kowen Sanders

The theme for the football game was construction


Saturday, September 7, 2024

One More Day at the Lake

It was still so nice on Saturday that we had to go to the lake again.  Garret's friend Micah Ormand came with us.