Black Hawk came to the high school by our house and landed on the football field. I took Garret over to watch. We missed it landing, but we saw it fly right over our house. We went over the football field and got to walk out and look inside the helicopter. Then we stayed and watched it take off. It took off and hovered (see picture), then flew off, took a sharp bank turn, and flew over the field again. I had forgotten my camera, but there were some other people sitting in the bleachers by me with their camera. I asked them if they would email me a picture and they did. Isn't that nice. So now you get to see it on my blog. The reason we were late is because Garret had flushed a diaper down the toilet and we had to take the toilet off the ground. It was stuck in the pipe right at the floor. We had to take it out. It was gross.
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