Saturday, May 15, 2010

Windermere Marathon

I ran my 2nd half marathon yesterday. It was on the Centennial Trail. It started in the Valley at Mirabeau Park and ended downtown in Riverfront Park. I don't have my official finish time but it was about 2 hrs and 12 minutes. My first race my time was 2:25:55 so I am improving. That's about 1 minute off my mile time. I ran with my friends Abby and Shannan. It wasn't too bad until the last mile. It seemed that it was a last 3 miles itself. But it's done and I ran the whole thing. Yeah for me. My friend's husband was running so she was nice enough to take pictures of us.
We did it!!!
About 10 feet to the finish line.
20 feet to go.
About mile 5.


Chari said...

Good for you! That's an awesome improvement on your time, nice job!

Ryan and Angela said...

Oh, you are amazing. Congratulations on being awesome.

The Chamberlain Family said...

Thats awesome Emily! Nice job!

Krista said...

Wow, I'm pretty sure I could never do that. Way to go.

Stephanie@Soggy Runner Girl said...

Great job!!!! My brother is moving to Spokane to go to lawschool at Gonzaga, I will have to come visit!