Monday, November 14, 2016

Ecuador Day 4

We met up with Kirt's family today-Connie & Vance, Marci & Brad Tami & Ben, Brett & Kristie, and Kari & Riley.  We did another short tour of Quito.
 View of Quito from the other side of the mountain as the tram.

 Capital building, Carondelet Palace
 One of the guards at Carondelet Palace
 Courtyard at the Palace
 Monument Independence Heros with Palace behind it
 Outside of Compania de Jesus Church. Inside the church is all gold lined.

 Church and Monastery of San Francisco 

 Then we drove to the Center of the Earth Museum.  This is the official site of where the Equator runs through Equador.  

 Next to the Center of the Earth Museum is another quirky museum called the Intinan Museum where the Ecuadorians originally thought the Equator was. At this museum they show how the water runs clock wise on the south side of the equator and counter clock wise on the north side and how an egg can stand on it's end on the equator.  Plus the had lots of other interesting things like taxidermied animals and shrunken heads.

 Then we drove and stayed on the San Pablo lake

 Inside of our room

 Outside of our little cabin we stayed in
Riley dressed in the traditional dress of the indigenous people.