Sunday, October 25, 2020

Work Update

 My work has been crazy the last few months.  We have had a ton of nurses quit or be on leave because of health reason.

Amber Haney night nurse-got a day job

Alexis Traver night nurse-got a day job

Lori Munoz night nurse-got a day job

Gina Downhour day nurse, nursery-retired

Susanna Crupper day nurse-on leave with breast cancer

Betty Clary night nurse-on leave with breast cancer that has metastasized to her eyes

Diane Belyea day nurse-on leave with uterine cancer

Judy Anderson supplemental leave with heart problems (coded on the table when having an oblation)

Katie Dixon day nurse-on maternity leave, quit after her maternity leave was done and moved to Vermont

Lori Owens night nurse nursery-passed out at work in the bathroom one night, quit because of health reasons

Nikki Weed night nurse-hired after some of the nurses quit, already quit and is going supplemental

Shelley Northern manager-quit, job was too stressful, was in the ER with ulcers

Like I said, it's been a crazy few months.  We need a new manager and a bunch of new nurses. I have been working 2-3 times a week.  Hopefully it will get better soon.  Just hope that no one gets COVID.