Saturday, June 11, 2022

Katie's Graduation

Katie's graduation was awesome!! She won the Superintendent award and got to lead her class in changing their tassels from right to left.  Katie is now a high school graduate.  Way to go Katie!

Katie's graduation announcement

Emilie made Katie a candy necklace and a money necklace.  Katie's YW leader Sister Damiano made her a money necklace too.  We also brought Katie's 2 big heads.  One that her 5th grade teachers made for her of her 1st day of 5th grade picture and one that I made her for the stinky sneaker basketball game. 
(I told everyone that they didn't need to dress up.  Tanner really took that literally.  I meant that they didn't need to wear church clothes, he took it as I can wear my grungiest shirt and cut off shorts.) Garret had his lifeguarding class so he didn't make it to graduation.  After graduation, we went back to our house and Grammy and Pompa came and we had calzones for dinner.  Then Katie went to some of her friend's grad parties. 

Getting the superintendent award

Walking across the stage as a graduate

Olivia came for the pictures.  Smart girl.  She didn't have to sit through the long and boring graduation.
Mary Gubler and Katie
Krista Elliott and Katie
Katie and Paige Jess
Katie, Paige, and Krista
Katie and Alyssa Helbling
Katie and Lilly Peterson
All of Katie's awards
Top row from right to left: graduation medal for all grads, seal of biliteracy award for being biliterate in Spanish (she had to pass a 4 part test to get this), Social Studies award-awarded by the SS department for being a good student in SS, Superintendent award-she was nominated for this and had to write and essay on trials.
Bottom row from right to left: yellow cords-honor society, red cords-AP scholar for taking more than 4 AP classes, multicolored cords-for winning a PACE award in high school  (she actually won 5).