Friday, October 25, 2019

Cruise Day 7

Friday was another ship day. Kirt did more flow riding. In the morning there was only like 6 people in line so he got to do it a bunch. We exercised at the health club and then Kirt and I went to Johnny Rockets for lunch.  In the afternoon we played more volleyball. We played a boys vs girls team this time and the boys got 1st and the girls got 2nd. Brett is really good. He hits so hard and can block everything. Then Kirt and I went and watched the ice staking show.  I didn't stay very long because I wasn't feeling very good.  After dinner we played Harry Potter trivia, Family Feud and then went to the show. It was the acrobats again and another comedian.
We saw the very end of the belly flop contest
More volleyball

Ice staking show
It's Royal Caribbean's 50th birthday 

Family Feud! Marci, Lindsey, Tami, and Kari represented
Acrobat show
