Saturday, October 12, 2019

Pumpkin Carving 2019

I made Katie and Garret go and help me pick out the pumpkins for carving.

We carved pumpkins tonight! It was lots of fun. We also had Papa Murphy's pizza.  Rachelle and Ender didn't make it because Ender was sick:(

 Garret had fun just destroying one pumpkin.  He made himself a hat.

 Katie carved a silly jack o' lantern face
 Garret carved a ghost
 Sadie and Michelle carved a heart
 Nixon and Michelle carved Mad Eye Moody
 Cameron and Ollie carved a scary jack o'lantern face with a little pumpkin in the eye
 Jon and Scarlett carved Dory
 I carved spider
 Ike and Michelle carved batman
 Jon and Cam carved Mario and Luigi