Saturday, October 16, 2021

Katie Plans Homecoming

When their school told them that they couldn't have a homecoming dance, Katie and her friend Abby decided that they would plan one,  They found a venue, a DJ, chaperones, set up and take down crews, handled all the advertising, tickets sales, and complaints. Abby's dad is one of the pastors at Valley Real Life Church, and he helped them to arrange to have the dance at his church.  Abby did all the advertizing on the Instagram page they created. Katie took info from the google sheets registration form and put it in a excel sheet and matched it with all the Venmo payments. They sold 860 tickets. They planned and bought the decorations. Katie created a Sign Up Genius to get parent volunteers to help with set up, chaperone, and take down.  They found and hired a DJ. They bought Starbucks cards and wrote thank yous to all the volunteers. They raised over $12.000 and only spent $3,000 and were able to donate over $9,000 back to the school.  The dance turned out amazing! The kids had so much fun! Katie and Abby did an amazing job. 

Buying water and cookies for the dance

Testing out the back drop for the photos for the dance
Setting up for the dance

The gym where the dance was held.  It was huge!
All the volunteers that helped with set up.
The theme of the dance was Red Carpet