Garret bought me this cool gift and wrote me a nice card for Mother's Day.
Katie's letter for me for Mother's Day
Happy happy mother’s day! I have been thinking what to say this whole past week, and how to accurately describe and express my grand appreciation for the mother i have in my life.
A lot is unsaid about our Heavenly Mother. Literally all that exists is a short line in a song, “Oh my Father”, and word of mouth information that Joseph Smith talked about a Heavenly Mother with the early saints of the church. But, when we think about it, we are who we are because of our parents. Just think of Jesus Christ. His heavenly parents are Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother. He is the and was and will forever be, the only perfect person. That speaks to His parents, how they raised and taught Him and showed Him who to be. I also had a women’s conference about three months ago in my mission, and our President emphasized the vitality of women and mother’s in our lives. He listed some good examples: Eve being the last creation in the plan of God, Jesus appearing first to Mary, and one of the first witnesses of the Book of Mormon being Mary Whitmer. There are no mistakes or happen chances in the chronological cosmics of God! The world is not complete without the amazing women and mothers that populate it! My last, and most pressing thought I have had, is how I learn about our more “mysterious Heavenly Mother” by seeing the qualities that you have! It is no longer a mystery to me about who she is, what she is like, what she would see, because I see it in you! You are divine! Here is some of the great divinity I see in you:
You are so goal oriented, diligent, and driven. You so potential and you seek to obtain it. You know you want your exaltation and nothing is going to get in the way of it. You also have taught me how well we must respect the agency of others. We can never force anyone. You teach me to teach good principles to my friends here, Lilly, and my future kids, and let them choose eternal life or not. Thank you for helping me to focus celestially and know that that is my most important goal. Thank you for showing my that my Heavenly Mother is someone who once was not perfect, but sought perfection through humble repentance and time. You are so good at trusting the process. I hope you can understand that you are amazing!!! Thank your for always building me up and helping me to see that I am likewise divine. Thank you for always taking time to do services that are out of your way. You are so good at taking the time for the one, even if it is really inconvenient or the opposite if what you want to do. I understand from you that I must just see people for who they are, and not as someone to fix, but someone to help turn to the Savior. Because I don't need to pay the price for what they are going through becayse HE ALREADY DID. Thank you for supporting me in all things and letting me grow into a woman of God (I hope.. ).
I love you so much! Thank you for helping me be like my Heavenly Mother and showing me more of who she is by reflecting her character. I miss you dearly, and I hope you felt celebrated on this special day! You are priceless, amazing, awesome, DIVINE! Thanks for helping me feel divine as well. I love you!!
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