Friday, August 28, 2020

Tanner's Favorite Teacher Plus a Couple Other Basketball Pictures

The Idaho basketball team asked all the players who their favorite teacher was and posted it on their Twitter account.  (And a side note, they photo shopped the Idaho uniform onto one of his senior pictures.)
Kirt and I both emailed Tanner's teacher Mike Conklin to thank him.  Here is our emails and his kind responses. (Obviously Kirt and I don't communicate with each other.)

They asked the Idaho basketball players who their favorite teacher was and posted it on Twitter, and Tanner picked you! Just thought I’d share. Thanks for making a difference in his life!

 Emily Christensen

Thanks so much for sharing! I sure enjoyed having Tanner in, hard-worker, and good asker of questions...a great combination. And an outstanding young man, academics aside. I know he’ll do great things. Go Vandals!


Hi Mr. Conklin,

My son Tanner graduated in 2018, and has been on an LDS mission in Argentina the past 2 years, and is now a freshman at Idaho... He listed you as his favorite teacher when his team was asked, just thought you'd like to know :)

Kirt Christensen

Thanks so much for passing that along! I sure enjoyed and appreciated having Tanner in class. I’m excited for all he is to accomplish in Moscow and beyond...a great young man on and off the court and in and out of the classroom. I know how uncomfortable those short Computer work stations were for him-it’s good to hear that didn’t cloud his view of calculus too badly :)

Thanks again and Go Vandals!

Mike Conklin

Team Zoom Meeting

Introducing Tanner on the Idaho Vandal Twitter Page