Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Climbing Hyndman Peak

While we were in Boise for Katie's basketball tournament, Garret got to climb Hyndman Peak with Ryan, Angela, and Cody.  They had already had this planned and Garret was lucky enough to get to join them.  The peak is 12,009 feet and has a prominence of 4,900 feet.  It was a 13 mile hike, 6.5 miles up and 6.5 miles back.  They camped at the base Tuesday night and got up at 5am and started hiking at 5:20am Wednesday morning.  It was pretty dark still when they started hiking.  It took them about 2.5 hours to go 4.5 miles to get to the lake which was 10 minutes from the start of the talus (the boulders). Then it was 2 more miles and 2.5 more hours on the rocks to the top of the mountain.  It took them about 2 hours to get back to the lake and another 1.5 hours to get to the car.  They got back to the car at 2:45pm.  Cody and Garret both feel asleep on the ride home. 

Hyndman Peak is right behind Cody's head.  This is the first view that they had of it.

The grass ended and it was just small rocks for the last 2 miles up. It was so slow going.  It took 2.5 hours to go the last 2 miles.  He had to use his hands lots.  Then it was kind of scary to come down.  He said he slid a lot. 

They made it to the top!

This was the official geological marker for the top of the mountain.

There was a little snow let on the top. Ryan threw a snow ball at Garret.

Falling asleep on the way home.  Man they were tired.