Monday, August 22, 2022

Katie Goes to BYU

Katie is going to BYU!! She is living in Heritage Halls building 7. We are so excited for her, but we are going to miss her so much.  It was so hard to say good-bye to her.  I drove her down on Monday.  On Tuesday morning we moved her in to her dorm room and got her room all set up.  Then we went shopping for a few more things for her dorm room and for groceries.  We were so tired by the end of the day.  Wednesday we went clothes shopping and then Katie took me to the airport.  I cried all the way home.  Plus I was so sick that I coughed all the way home.  I came home and called in sick to work on Thursday and Friday and just stayed in bed for 2 days straight.  I think all the emotions plus the sickness just caught up with me and I just crashed.  

Packing up her room
Her empty room all packed up and ready to head to BYU

Getting in her car to drive down to BYU
We stayed with Kevin and Peggy when we went down to take Katie to school.  We went for a walk the first night we got there and walked along the bench and could see all of Provo.
Katie's door to the outside of her apartment.
Katie's room pre-move in
Katie's room post-move in
Katie is rooming with her friend from Spokane Lilly Peterson
Orientation at the BYU football field.  They made a huge Y

Going to the temple with Lilly

Taking pictures by the welcome to BYU sign
Volleyball game BYU vs Duke