Sunday, January 22, 2023

Piriformis Syndome

I have been having a lovely time.  I woke up one day in the middle of December and my right leg was really hurting all the way down.  I just kept going even though it was sore and figured it would get better.  It was pretty painful on Christmas Eve and Christmas, but I wasn't calling in sick because I didn't want to make someone have to work on Christmas when it wasn't their turn.  I sat on an exercise ball and had ice on my butt whenever I wasn't in my patient's room.  The day after Christmas I was in so much pain I could barely walk and even did have to crawl a few times.  There was just shooting pain all the way down my right leg.  I tried going to the chiropractor but got no relief.  I went to the Dr on the 28th and she said it sounded like I had piriiformis syndrome which is where the piriformis muscle in your butt pinches your sciatic nerve.  She gave me a steroid pack to help with the inflammation of the muscle. I have done physical therapy, massage, lots of stretching, 2 cortisol shots, been to the ER to make sure I don't have a blood clot.  It's been a fun time.  I missed 3 weeks of work.  I am starting to get better now, but my leg and foot are still numb and sore.  They saw it just takes time to heal.  I hope it heals soon.  It has been no fun at all.