Monday, June 3, 2024

Tanner and Emilie Come to Spokane

Tanner and Emilie came to visit from June 3-10 before they head to Hawaii.  We had lots of fun while they were here.

Tuesday we went to lunch with Pompa at Flamin' Joes.  Then we went to Grammy and Pompa's and played games.  Tanner and Garret started talking trash to each other about who could beat who in tennis, so we went to U-High to see who was better.  Garret schooled Tanner 6-0, but Tanner did have a mean serve. They had a nice evening soak in the hot tub that night. 

Wednesday we went for a hike on Anton Peak.  Then we went and watched Garret play tennis.  He is in a summer league where he plays matches against other people with similar UTR scores.  He lost his match to Robbie, the kid from Mead, unfortunately, but it was fun to watch him play.

Thursday we went and rode the Hiawatha Trail.  It was so beautiful.  The tunnel was super wet so we were very muddy. 

Tanner and Garret we so muddy they had to take their shirts off for the car ride home.

Friday, just Tanner, Emilie and I went to the lake.  Garret had to go to school and Kirt had to work. We didn't take any pictures. We went and watched Garret play basketball in the West Valley Tournament after lake.

Saturday we went to the lake again.  It was a gorgeous day.  The water was so cold, but we all put on wet suits and went in the water anyway.  

Sunday we went to shakes at Grammy's and Pompa's and to visit with the rest of the family.  We played wiffle ball at the school across the street.

Monday, Kirt and I both had to work, so Tanner, Emilie, and Garret went to the lake themselves.  They stopped by my work and said good-bye to me on the way to the airport.  It was so fun to see them.  We are going to miss them so much, but we are excited for the adventures that they are going to have in Hawaii!