Friday, September 27, 2024

Update on Michelle

Michelle had surgery on September 6th (after being in the hospital for several weeks) to try and fix her bowel obstruction and remove more of the cancer.  She has not been able to anything since her late surgery the end of April.  She has been having TPN (IV feeding) since then because her bowel never woke up after surgery and so it got obstructed.  When the went to open her up during the surgery, they found so much cancer in her that they couldn't really even cut into her.  The doctor said it looked like someone had poured glue into her abdomen.  She stopped the surgery and didn't even try and fix her bowel obstruction or remove any cancer.  She said that this is really the beginning of the end.  She said that we should try and get Michelle healthy enough to go home but that she would not recommend any more treatments.  So after being in the hospital over 30 days, Michelle finally got to come home on September 27th.  She is going to have home health come 3 days a week to help her.  

Nixon and his homecoming date surprised Michelle and came down to see her

She's going home!