Saturday, November 21, 2009

Where's Everybody?

One of Garret's favorite thing to do each day, is say "Where's Tanner? Where's Katie?" And on and on with about everyone he knows. He has even added the 2 neighbor kids who walk to school with Tanner and Katie to the list. I get so tired of answering that I now say "you know where they are" when he asks where all the various people he knows are. Another piece of background for the story is that Kirt gets up each morning and spends about a half hour sitting on the toilet going to the bathroom, reviewing his day on his iphone, and reading. So the other day as we were on our way from the gym, he says "where's daddy?" I of course say "you know where he is". And he says, "home on the potty."


Madsen Family said...

Classic. Potty humor--it never gets old. And were those pictures of your kids on the white wall? Never seen that before.....(if I can't harass you, then who can I?).