Friday, April 1, 2016

Guatemala and El Salvador Trip Day 8

More pictures of the house in Lanquin.

Today we drove to Flores.  The drive was terrible.  It was one of the worst dirt roads that we have ever been on.
There were men all along the road during "road work" that would hold a rope across the road and stop you and ask you to pay them for doing the road work.  The only problem was that it is really hard to actually do road work while you are holding a rope across the road.
Typical car load of Guatemalans 
Waiting for the ferry
Dock with 2 hammocks on in at our house in Flores.  We stayed right on the river. It was so beautiful.    It was so hot and the water was so still that when we jumped in the top 2 feet of the water was really hot.  It was so strange.  We had to use our arms to stir the water up from down below to cool off the surface of the water.