Saturday, May 7, 2022

Katie's Senior Prom

Katie and her friend Mary Gubler went to senior prom together.  The dance was at Felts Field in one of the airplane hangers.  They had a catered dinner and then the dance.  They set at a table with a bunch of their girlfriends.  They got ready at our house, went and took pictures at a greenhouse because it was pooring rain outside, went to the dance, had dinner at the dance, visited with friends at the dance, and didn't really dance at the dance.  I guess kids don't really dance at dances anymore.  They left the dance and went to Froyo and then came here and sat in the hot tub.  

Emilie came to take pictures because she is much better at it than me. 

Abby Allen and Katie
Katie and Lilly Peterson

Katie was nominated to be on the prom court.  She didn't win prom queen, but it was cool to be nominated.  Mya Hauck was queen and Hyrum Osborn was king.