Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Nelson and Ainsworth BC Spring Break Trip

We weren't sure how I would be feeling after my back surgery and since spring break was only 5 weeks after my surgery, we didn't make any plans.  But I was feeling pretty good, so the Saturday spring break started, we decided to go somewhere.  Now to decide where to go.  Kirt loves planning trips, and he quickly came up with a fun trip to Canada.  Katie begged and begged to come with us, so we bought her a very expensive ticket to come home on Sunday.  She came home Tuesday April 4th-Sunday April 9th.  It was so fun to have her home with us.  We left Tuesday around noon and drove along the Selkirk loop to Nelson BC.  We explored the town and then had dinner.  We watched the movie Roxanne because it was filmed in Nelson BC.  Wednesday morning, Katie, Kirt, and Garret went skiing at Whitewater ski resort.  While they were skiing I read at the hotel until noon.  Then I had to check out so I wandered around the town for a few hours and then had lunch and sat and read some more.  When they were done skiing, they came and picked me up, and we drove to Ainsworth Hot Springs.  We ordered room service and sat in the hot springs.  Thursday Katie and I went for a walk and then we had a really yummy breakfast.  After we went for a short hike to a beautiful waterfall.  We came back and sat in the hot springs and then relaxed the rest of the afternoon and had a late dinner. Friday we got up and headed home.  We took a the Kootenay Lake Ferry across the lake and completed the Selkirk loop on the way home.  It was a really scenic drive.  We stopped in Creston for an hour at McDonald's so Kirt could do a work call.  It was a fun adventure.
Walking around Nelson BC

There is a lot of street art on the buildings in Nelson

Skiing and snowboarding at Whitewater

Pictures from my exploring the town while the others were skiing

Fletcher Creek Falls near Ainsworth Hot Springs

Sitting in the hot springs.  There was one big pool that was 90-95 degrees and then one small pool that was 102-105.  This pool had a cave loop that you could walk in that was more natural hot springs.

Getting on the ferry

Katie and Garret trying to do the Titanic pose

The picture of Kirt proving that he is still a little taller than Garret.