Friday, July 24, 2020

Playing with cousins

Katie had to work Friday and Saturday so she didn't get to come to the lake with us, but she got to hang out with her cousins instead.  Brandon, Kathleen, and, Cody spent the night with Katie Friday night.
Then they all got up Saturday morning and went to Grammy's for breakfast.
 Saturday night they got to hang out again.  They had a BBQ at Jon's house (even though Jon is out of town) with all of the Ryan Spear family and Grammy and Pompa and Cam's kids (Grammy was babysitting because its Rachelle's birthday).  We got home from the lake and went to the BBQ too for a bit.  Then Kathleen and Brandon came and hung out at our house Saturday night for a bit.  Then they went to play games with Grammy and Pompa.  Kathleen spent the night with Katie.

Sunday morning we had cinnamon rolls, egg casserole and orange julius at our house with Ryan and Cam's family and Grammy and Pompa.  We did come follow me and had the sacrament too.