Saturday, April 9, 2022

Italy Trip Day 10

Today we took the train from Florence to Rome.  We took a crazy cab ride from the train station to our Air BNB.  We did a self guided Heart of Rome walk.  

Plazzo Strozzi
Plazzo Strozzi
Piazza ??
Talking Statue Pasquino.  This was made in the 300 BC.  In the 1500's it became one of 6 statues throughout Rome know as the talking statues.  If people wanted to complain about something, they would write a note and post it near this statue. 
Piazza Navona
Sant Angese in Agone Church in Piazza Navona

The Fountain of the Four Rivers by Bernini in Piazza Navona
Fountain of Neptune in Piazza Navona
Church of San Luigi die Francesi

Caravaggio painting in the Church of San Luigi die Francesi
Pantheon, we weren't able to go into it today because I guess you have to have tickets on the weekends and holidays.  Good thing it's close and we can come back on Monday. 
Church of Sant Ignazio

This church has a false dome.  It doesn't actually have a dome in the middle of it, it is just painted to look like a dome. 

Trevi Fountain

Column of the Immaculate Conception
Spanish Steps with the church of Santissima Trinità dei Monti at the top of the steps.

Views from the top of the Spanish Steps

Beautiful wedding dress that we saw.  Katie has decided that she is going to come back and go wedding dress shopping in Italy when she gets married.